

The Copia Agent is a small client-side application that enables DeviceLink to back up the code running on customer Devices to Copia's Git-Based Source Control product.

There are two types of Agents in Copia DeviceLink: Site-based Agents and multi-site Agents. Site-based Agents are created within a Site and can only access Projects and Devices at their Site, whereas multi-site Agents are created at the Organization level and can be added to any Project or Device at any Site. Both Agents use the same underlying application and have the same capabilities - they differ only in their access permissions within Copia.

See this page for instructions on setting up and configuring site-based Agents.

See this page for instructions on setting up and configuring multi-site Agents.

NOTE: Agents currently have a 1GB (zipped) limit on the data it can transfer to the Copia server for a given Job.

Agent Statuses

There are 3 possible status types for an Agent -- each of which are shown as a chip within the Agent card:

Agent Status

Setting Up

Copia server is waiting for the Agent to link to the local machine

🟢 Active

Agent is connected to the Copia server

🔴 Disconnected

Agent is unable to communicate with the Copia server

Linking an Agent to a Project

After you have created the Agents you need, your final step is to connect the Agent to the Project so that when you initialize a backup of a Project the system knows which Agent to utilize.

Navigate back to the Project tab and find the Project you want to link to your new Agent. Click on the card's caret and select the Edit Project option.

Assign the Agent to your Project using the Select Agent dropdown. You may assign any Agent within the Project's Site, or any multi-site Agent in your organization.

After you make your selection, your changes will be saved automatically.

The selected Agent will now be used to perform any backups for the Project. The Agent will automatically check for updates and self-install when applicable or available.

Last updated

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