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A Site is logical grouping of Projects, Devices, Agents, and Jobs. They are meant to denote larger areas (such as a factory or region). The planning of Sites and Agents is critical prior to the initial creation of your sites. Once your planning is done, use this section to walk through the creation of Sites. When you have created your Sites, your next step will be creating Agents.
To create your first Site, navigate to the Dashboard, select the Sites tab and click the + New Site button.
You can alternatively click the + dropdown in your top nav and select the New Site option.
You should see the New Site modal. Select the Organization your new Site should be placed under and choose a Name and Time Zone for your new Site. Add an optional Description so that other users are clear about the purpose of your Site.
The Time Zone field cannot be changed after initial setup so be careful to set this value correctly.
Copia recommends that you add your new Site to a specific Team to automatically give every Member within the chosen Team access to the Site. This is a great way of using the Teams you've set up in Git-Based Source Control to quickly grant others access to your Site.
You can also add a Site to a Team at a later time through the Teams tab on your Org Management screen. To learn more about this flow, check out the Teams section.
Click the Create Site button to finish Site setup.
You should now be taken to your new Site.